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Tamale Season! đŸ«”

What do you do with a feral pig problem?

Make tamales. đŸčđŸ–đŸ«”đŸ«”

Friday the pig was harvested. Saturday we smoked the pig in our smoker (that we made nearly 9 years ago). On Sunday we made the tamales.

In the filling we added the pulled pork, as well as onions & dried peppers from our garden.

For 5lb of masa we used 4 1/2 cups of lard we rendered the day before. The lard was part of a pastured pig we purchased earlier in the year. (Say YES to getting all parts including fat, bones, organs, etc when bulk ordering meat).

Homesteading is a long journey and I take great joy in replacing everything we consume with something we produce ourselves or purchase/trade from other local makers. Obviously tamales are not healthy but man are they good. đŸ«”đŸ˜

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